
AC/DC Drives & Inverters
If you need to regulate the speed, power and torque of your motor or servomotor you need a suitable drive or inverter. We supply VFDs, drives and servo amplifiers with various parameters, made by well-known manufacturers to suit a wide range of applications.

Circuit breakers & Soft starters
Most electric circuits are fitted with a circuit breaker. Circuit breaker protects the electric circuit against overcurrent, overload and short circuit that can cause substantial damage to often expensive technology. Soft starts are used for a more gentle start of the electro motor thus protecting it from damage during the initial stage. We supply circuit breakers and soft starts according to your requirements.

HMI & Touch screens
HMI (Human-machine Interface) is a control device that connects a user with a machine or its system. HMI may have various looks and functions. Mostly it looks like a key or touch screen – operator panel. Servo Europe supplies legacy and new operator panels of all types made by all major manufacturers.

Communication & Networking
An industrial communication network is the backbone of any modern automated system enabling control or data exchange. Most modern devices have embedded some communication interface. However standalone communication modules and cards are used for enhancing functionality or function separately.

Motors & Servomotors & Encoders
Servo motors and electro motors are so widely used that we may not realise we use them at home or in a car. Especially servo motors are indispensable in industrial manufacturing as they are used for precision rotary and linear motion. Despite their small size, they are powerful and energetically efficient. Servo motors often include an encoder. Servo Europe distributes motors, servo motors and encoders from brands like Allen-Bradley, Fanuc, Heidenhain, Indramat, Mitsubishi, Omron, Siemens, and Yaskawa.

PLC systems
PLC (Programmable logic controller) is a small computer set up for a specific, repeatable action. Its functions enable automation processes in production, the energy industry, health care etc. PLC consist of a central processing unit (CPU), input and output modules and possibly a power supply. Servo Europe supplies both current-line and discontinued modules or completed PLC systems from all international brands.

Power supplies
The power supply’s function is to regulate electric energy. It can convert or change electric energy into a suitable format and voltage. There are various types of power supply categories by parameters, function and environment of their application.

Contactors & Relays & Switches
Basic components of the electric circuit not only in the manufacturing process. Nearly all manufacturers of automation technology also produce these components. We sell contactors made by for example ABB, Schneider Electric, Siemens, Omron.

Safety Automation
Nearly every industrial process is more or less connected with a risk to humans, the environment or property however this risk is relatively easy to prevent. Nonetheless, there are automated processes which carry a high risk of injury or damage. These include pressing, cutting, CNC machining, robotised stations, chemical processes, mining etc. For such applications, it is necessary to use standardised and internationally regulated components that minimise the risk of damage or injury. This category consists of safety locks, safety relays, safety light barriers, sensors, lasers etc. Manufacturers that specialise in these products are for example Sick, Pilz, Keyence, Omron, and Schneider Electric.

Cables & Connectors
Wireless technology is quite advanced these days however we cannot do without cables and connectors in any industry. We do not specialise in cables but we do our best to help to get the cables you need.

CNC systems
CNC (Computer Numerical Control) are machines widely used for machining wood, plastic and metals. CNC machines can grind, drill, cut, mill, cut out, engrave or bend. CNC machines may have one to four axes depending on the challengingness of the machining. Servo Europe offers electronic parts such as spindle drives, servo motors, control panels, and power supplies for the maintenance and repair of CNC machines using technology by Siemens, Heidenhain, Fanuc, Mazak, and Indramat.

Robotics & Teach pendants
Industrial robot types vary by the difficulty of require operations. They are used for welding, painting, palletizing, forging etc. They have various numbers of arms and axes. Robots manage the manipulation of heavy objects while being fast and precise. Servo Europe supplies servo motors and teach-pendants for robots by Fanuc, Yaskawa, ABB or Kuka.

Sensors & Cameras
Industrial sensors are probably present in every modern factory. Many automated processes would be possible without sensors. Sensors may be categorised by their use for instance proximity sensors, positioning sensors, pressure sensors, temperature sensors, vibration sensors, humidity sensors, contact sensors, ultrasonic sensors etc. Our assortment also includes lasers and cameras that are somewhat related to sensors. Servo Europe can get you sensors from well-known brands such as Omron, Sick and Keyence.